

In this small rant of a blog post, I would briefly like to point out the follies of feminism. Please note that this is not just me taking a shot at females as I think males have to take some of the blame too. I personally think that feminism most probably grew from the fertile fields of hopeless males. Think about it, if males kept women happy, then there would be no disgruntled females trying to call for revolutionary change. Everything would be sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows.

I think feminism itself seems to be a half-baked theory consequently being something which occasionally seems to fail at going around full-circle. I personally do not believe in complete gender equality as I don’t think we are equal, but in saying that I don’t think that the disparity between genders in certain areas should be so great either. For the record, a few things I do support relative gender equality for include, the right to dignity as a human, suffrage, and wages. I also disagree with the way women are treated in many areas of the world such as in places where a women can be punished severely just for dressing in a particular way. Sure it’s good to have a school of thought in where women are empowered but I think there are a few things feminists fail to see, or at least if they do see such things their vision must be obscured. As with most things, moderation is okay but for those feminists who take it that little bit too far, demanding that little bit too much, to me it seems such people are trying to have their cake and eat it.

For those of you who are well-versed in the ideology of feminism, it may appear that I have some misconceptions about it. Granted, if that seems to be the case, that need not weaken my arguments as the points I shall bring up below tend to be the things most people think about when the word feminism is brought up.

For example, feminists often strive for complete equality. Unfortunately, I beg to differ as males are physiologically different from females. Each gender has its perks and downfalls and as such, you can’t both have your cake and eat it. Furthermore it leads me to believe that feminists are oblivious to males who are either “Romantic Casanovas” or “Prince Charmings”. Guys like that put a lot of effort into pleasing their girl so as to make her feel like a princess. As you can see, in this instance it is the girls who are controlling the guys to an extent in one way or another. If one were to counter argue this notion by stating something alone the lines that such guys only do this because in the end all they want is sex, I would counter argue such a statement with the fact that so long as any sex between the two was consentual, then it should be noted that “it takes two to tango” and that the female was merely seduced. I’m sure that if the efforts males put into gentlemanliness, gallantry, and chivalry are to compensate for the minor disadvantages inherent with being a female. Then again, since such characteristics of males are generally dwindling nowadays so I think it’s only fair that women do something to compensate for this deficiency.

If the idea of feminism is to empower females, I find it strange that feminists either fail to see or somehow tend to overlook one of the greatest weapons they have at their disposal, that being their ability to please males with sex. Take for example the Ancient Greek play, Lysistrata in where the plot revolves around the women of Greece withholding sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers in an attempt to end The Peloponnesian War. This drought of sex led to a profound affect with males inside the story. Although women have sexual appetites too, at this current point in time most of mainstream society tends to shun overtly promiscuous women, whereas men who have many sexual conquests are often touted as heroes. Although, just imagine if something similar to what happened in Lysistrata were to happen today and all the females of the world were to stop having sex with males. It would be easy to then imagine the world suddenly plummeting into absolute chaos.

Lastly, I’d like to note something which will probably never change, whether feminists like it or not, although I think this would more have to do with the tradition of courtship as opposed to gender difference.
“A guy should always pay for the first date.”

Additionally, here is an ethos and I live by and I think this is critically important for males.
“What kind of a guy are you, if you cannot protect and provide for the girl you love?”

In essence, that’s my little rant. In short, moderate feminism is okay, but as with most things, it’s best not to let things get too out of hand as you can’t always have your cake and eat it. I also think males are also partly to blame because if we weren’t so hopeless, females would have fewer things to complain about and therefore can be kept pacified. I apologize once more should I offend anybody, but the fact of the matter is males and females are not the same therefore there should not be complete equality. Conversely, males and females are fairly similar so in saying that, males and females should be relatively similar. Additionally, there are probably a few things I forgot to mention but as I’m an expert at pleasing girls, I guess it doesn’t really bug me. In summation, to make for a better Planet Earth, girls, be ambitious and boys, up your game.

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