
Shot Mario ~The Super Mario Drinking Game~

Here's a simple and fun drinking game. I don't think I invented it but since a google-search yielded virtually nothing, I thought I'd just put it out there on the world-wide-web for all to see. If this game ends up being something original, I guess I call dibs on being the inventor of it. (Fat chance though)

How To Play:
- Select an alcoholic beverage
- Play a Super Mario game of your choice

(My suggestion is you play the original Super Mario Bros.)
- Drink a penalty-shot/penalty-sip every time Mario (or Luigi, etc.) dies

※ Please enjoy your alcohol responsibly. I take full responsibility for any fun experienced whilst playing this drinking game and assume no liability for any negative consequences which occur whilst playing this drinking game.


Much Ado About Love ~恋 & 愛~

Here is a blog post on love, and my take on it…

Fortunately, for those who know happen to know Chinese and/or Japanese, love becomes a whole lot less messy when you learn to distinguish between the following: 恋 & 愛.

When translated in English, both of these characters mean love, albeit there is a subtle difference. My personal take on it is illustrated in this table below

Please note that I am not a native Japanese or Chinese speaker, but amongst discussion with some of my Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong friends, the general consensus tends to be in agreement with the aforementioned)

Platonic love tends to be around an even mix of the two. In conversational speak, these terms tend to mix and overlap and are frequently seen as synonymous, particularly in Chinese. It is important to note if the "positive vibe" between one and another are nurtured feelings of towards someone often tend to develop into as time goes on.

For example, here is a true story in where the grey area between 恋 & 愛 cost my friend her boyfriend. 

I have a friend who had a boyfriend and she was able to separate and quite easily. For a guy, this would generally sound like the ultimate girlfriend. What he had here is something many guys dream about. A very cute girl who would let you be her boyfriend and at the same time, let you sleep around with other girls and NOT hate you for it. It was like her boyfriend could have his cake and eat it, GUILT FREE.

As with many things, this idea seemed good on paper and the rationale behind it was that her boyfriend would only be feeling towards the other girls he would be engaging in sex with whilst would only be a feeling shared exclusively only between her and him.

In reality, as things turned out, sadly she was mistaken as love (the transition from feelings of 恋 to 愛) tends to be a slippery slide. As time went on her boyfriend began having repetitive physical relations with another girl. This occurred so much so that eventually turned into something more reminiscent of which resulted in my friend's boyfriend leaving her for the new girl.

For those of you who still dont get it, or arent sure what to be feeling when they see someone, here is a table with some percentages because we all love math.

On a personal note, for me my feelings towards my girlfriend must reach a percentage of at least 80% in order for me to consider her being my girlfriend. As you can see, that's just my own personal preference, and it does differ from what I preach.

As a lame semi-joke to warp this up, I will end this blog post on little tangent. Firstly, a little piece of advice is that I think it is important for sex (or at least sexual intercourse) NOT to occur early so in any relationship. Sure sex is fun and makes the two of you feel good and sure it proves that the two of you can be intimate but be warned. Having sex right from the word go doesn't leave much room for the relationship to blossom. This is because the game of love (or at least it's scorecard) can be summarized in this common analogy I've slightly modified.

First Base = Holding Hands/Kissing
Second Base = Heavy Petting
Third Base = Oral Sex
HOME Run = Sexual Intercourse

> HOUSEhold (Base) = Starting a Family

My rationale behind this suggestion for not having sex so suddenly is evident in this picture. Obviously, the only way to move up from Home Run is to move onto the Household (Base). Please note that I’m not necessarily saying wait until after marriage to have sex. As a matter a fact, I am sort of against the whole institution of marriage. What I am definitely suggesting is that if you see a person as a potential boyfriend or girlfriend that you try and avoid having sexual intercourse on/immediately after your first date. So unless that happens to be on the cards, I suggest it’s best you wait and let your relationship develop so that it will have something to blossom into, rather than letting it peak right at the start. It also gives you something to look forward to.

In my opinion, what a relationship boils down to is the ability for two to raise a family together, and hence, the term comes into the picture. If you think about it, the two extremities of the scale regarding you and the person you are dating is that you are either going to break up or live together for the rest of your lives which may possibly involve you creating a family together.

In saying that, is critically important especially in the early stages of love and fostering such a relationship. This is how the relationship between & becomes evident. In summation, one could say that its about getting the percentages right, and for you people out there, this is the way to figure out whether the person you have is a keeper or not.







Seeing as today is White Day, I figured I'd post something about advice on how to find love. For those of you who don't know, White Day is a day which has origins stemming from Japan and is celebrated every year on March 14. It is much like a "Reverse Valentine's Day" where guys have to show their affection towards girls in various ways as the normal Valentine's Day (February 14) is for girls to show their affection to guys. If you're a guy who doesn't really like the girl who was interested in you the month prior, you can either give a present of equal value, or if you're a douche, give her a present of lower value or none at all. Conversely, if you like the girl, you should aim to return her favor at something at least two-fold the value she gave the month before. After reading this, you're probably suspicious that this is just another "Hallmark Holiday" for various companies to earn extra cash seeing as the vast amounts of revenue brought in on February 14 wasn't enough and granted, you're suspicions are probably correct.

Now, for those of you who are single, my advice is like this. Getting a
partner is a lot like fishing, especially you if you put things into this kind of way.
- Think of your looks (physical attractiveness) as being the bait.
- Think of your personality (inner attractiveness) as being the hook of your fishing rod.

>> If you have good bait, chances are you can catch a fish easily, but if your hook isn’t all too good then the fish may get away.

>> On the other hand, if you have a really good hook, but have poor bait attached, this would serve you no benefit either as the fish will never really come to you in the first place.

It’s all about getting the combination right…

Furthermore, if you fish in the wrong spots, you’ll catch the wrong type of fish and if you don’t know how to fish, odds are you catch any fish at all.



Since today is "Leap Year Day" (2/29) a day which occurs only once every for years here is a post to do with numbers.. The “The Train Numbers Game” is a game I like to play to test my brain as well as for a little bit of fun when riding on the train. Perhaps you’ve heard of it before, but surprisingly when I try and play this game with people on the train many are oblivious to such a game existing, hence my blog post. I’d just like to mention that I did not make this game up so I don’t know who to give credit to and secondly this game is basically playable anywhere where you can see a set of four numbers.

The aim of the game is to get to the number ten using the four numbers given in the carriage number.

- Each digit must be used
- Each digit can only be used once
- You must not have any spare numbers left over
- You may only use addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication (Although if you’re good with other operations, feel free use implement them)
- If you wish to square or cube a number (etc.) you must have a two or three (etc.) respectively. The same also applies for square or cube roots. This expends the number.

Most often than not it is possible to get a ten, but there are occasions where it will be impossible to get a ten, especially if there are too many zeros.

Upon playing this game with my two Chinese friends Vivian and Lisa, they were surprised to find out the rules in which I was playing by. According to them, there is a Chinese variation of this game which they used to play back in China. It basically follows the rules except makes these two amendments.

1) In order for the game to start, each of the four digits must be different and there must be no zeros.
2) You must somehow get to the number 24 (Instead of 10)

For example in the picture below, the carriage number is 5928

The solutions for each version are as follows.

Standard Game:
9 – 8 = 1
1 X 2 = 2
2 x 5 = 10

Chinese Version:
9 – 5 = 4
8 – 2 = 6
4 X 6 = 24

For additional fun, the loser may be forced to do a dare or a punishment game etc.

Enjoy the commute~ \(^o^)/